Blog: DUI

  • First-Time DUI Offenders in New Jersey: What You Need to Know
    Navigating the legal landscape following a DUI charge can be an overwhelming experience, especially for first-time offenders. Given the serious nature of the offense and the range of penalties at stake, understanding your legal rights, options, and the corresponding legal process is crucial. As dedicated advocates in New Jersey DUI law, we at LaBletta & Walters LLC aim to shed light on what first-time DUI offenders need to know when facing charges in the Garden...
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  • How a DUI Affects Your Chances in a Child Custody Battle in New Jersey
    Driving Under the Influence (DUI) DUI: More Than Just a Traffic Violation Firstly, it's crucial to understand that a DUI is not merely a Legal Standards for Child Custody in New Jersey In New Jersey, child custody decisions are made based on the "best interests of the child." Courts consider multiple factors, such as the parents' ability to communicate and cooperate, the stability of each parent's home environment, and any history of Immediate...
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  • The Financial Impact of a DUI Conviction in New Jersey: Beyond the Obvious
    When it comes to DUI convictions, the immediate repercussions such as fines, penalties, and even jail time are widely acknowledged. However, a DUI charge carries with it a litany of concealed financial burdens that can reverberate long after the initial legal proceedings have concluded. This comprehensive article delves into the financial impact of a DUI conviction in New Jersey. From skyrocketing insurance premiums to unforeseen employment ramifications, we explore the financial landscape that one navigates...
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