Experienced DWI Attorney in Trenton, NJ Protects the Rights of Victims and Those Charged with DWI in Mercer County and Throughout New Jersey
If you aren’t careful, you could stand to lose a lot with a DWI or DUI charge. You could face up to a month in jail, even for a first offense, and you are not entitled to a trial by jury. Jail time becomes mandatory for repeat offenders, and you could face thousands of dollars in fines, administrative costs, and higher insurance premiums and surcharges. Protect your rights, freedom, and personal and financial well-being by speaking with a trained Trenton DUI lawyer today for assistance with your case.
New Jersey’s Tough Drunk Driving Laws
In New Jersey, driving under the influence (DUI) and driving while intoxicated (DWI) are handled the same way. Both terms are used interchangeably, and as per New Jersey state law, as contained in NJ Rev Stat § 39:4-50 (2019), it is illegal to operate a motor vehicle while under the influence of drugs or alcohol or to operate a motor vehicle with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08% or higher.
You can be charged with DUI or DWI if you either operate a motor vehicle while under the influence or you do so with a BAC of 0.08% or higher. This means that, even with a lower BAC than required as per legal limits, if an arresting officer has probable cause that your driving was negatively influenced because of the use of drugs or alcohol, you can be arrested.
Additional Penalties
Additional charges can be added to your case as well, depending on when, where, and how you were arrested. For example, you can face additional charges after being arrested for DUI or DWI if:
- You refuse to take a breathalyzer test after being stopped and asked to do so
- You drive under the influence with a minor passenger in your vehicle
- You possess an open alcoholic beverage container in your vehicle
- Your DUI leads to injury or death by auto
- You break New Jersey’s zero tolerance law regarding underage drinking and driving and drink and drive under the age of 21
- Your BAC is above a certain limit
- You commit additional crimes while drinking and driving, such as speeding or driving recklessly
- You commit DUI or DWI in a school zone while school is in session
Facing the Harsh Penalties for Drunk Driving with an Experienced DWI Attorney in Trenton, NJ
The range of penalties you may face for DUI will be determined based on your DUI history and any aggravating factors involved in your arrest.
First-time DUI penalties include:
- Fines of between $200 and $400
- Insurance surcharges
- An indefinite loss of your license
- The installation of an ignition interlock device on your vehicle for 3 months
- Spending 12 to 48 hours in an intoxicated driver’s program
- Up to a month in jail
Subsequent arrests will lead to commensurately harsher penalties, including mandatory jail time.
Our DWI Attorney in Trenton, NJ Explains the Implied Consent Law
New Jersey has an “implied consent” law in which you are legally required to agree to a breath test if stopped by a law enforcement officer on suspicion of drinking and driving or driving under the influence. Taking the test is required, and the prosecution can use your breath test results against you in court. However, if you refuse to take the test, you can be charged with a testing violation, and these charges will be added to your DUI or DWI charges. As a separate offense, you can be punished for implied consent violation even if you are ultimately not convicted of the alleged DUI or DWI for which the arresting officer initially stopped you. The penalties for refusing a breath test can exceed those of a first-time DUI and should not be taken lightly, so speak with our Trenton DUI lawyer for guidance on how to challenge and beat the charges you face.
DUI Charges in Trenton, NJ
Alcohol-related traffic fatalities occur more frequently on the weekend than during the week, and at night than during the day. Fatal accidents involving motorcyclists involved some form of intoxication or impairment in almost 30% of all cases, with about one such fatality occurring every 48 minutes. While DUI and DWI are dangerous and irresponsible, not everyone arrested for DUI or DWI is guilty and arrested individuals have the right to the presumption of innocence until proven guilty. For assistance with the charges you face, speak with our highly skilled Trenton DUI lawyer. We handle cases in Trenton, across Mercer County, and throughout New Jersey, so speak to us today for reliable legal counsel and representation.
Contact Our Trenton DUI Lawyer Today for Reliable Representation and Defense from a Seasoned Legal Professional
Our DWI attorney in Trenton, NJ has years of experience handling DUI and DWI cases of all kinds. We are just a call away and will work diligently to help you beat the charges you face. Don’t leave anything to chance. Contact us today to learn more about the steps we can take to secure your freedom, personal well-being, and indemnity from DUI penalties.